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Linda W. Leeman, CWB

One of my earliest memories is trout fishing in the Sierra, and wondering how fish found food and survived the winter. I viewed the basic need of animals to find food and shelter similar to people’s need for food and shelter. As I child, I had a simplistic view of people’s place in the environment and this viewpoint led me to thinking about how to solve problems and build solutions. Today, I’ve taken my passion for the natural environment and my love of problem solving to build a practice that focuses on balancing our need to use the environment with the need to protect it.

Natural Resources Practice Leader
Notable Projects

California High-Speed Rail Authority CEQA, ESA, and CESA Peer Review and Support

CDCR Lethal Electrified Fence Habitat Conservation Plan Implementation and On-Call Biological Services

CDFW 2015 State Wildlife Action Plan


MS, Natural Resources, Humboldt State University

BS, Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, UC Davis


Yolo Basin Foundation (board member)

Western Section of The Wildlife Society

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